
Galleri F 15
Moss/Norway 1988

ƒ15 takes as its point of departure
the cosmic clock that one finds
in the polar star’s journey
where the earth’s axis over 26000 years
describes a circle in the heavens

what if
we could use this cosmic clock
to find our way in past or future times
just as we use worldly clocks
to find our bearings in the present?

what if
there was an archaeology of time
that by carefully removing layer after layer
could expose fragments
of time caught in matter?
we would then be able to reconstruct
the structure of any time
and orientate ourselves in it

exposure ƒ15 plays on this notion
that any time can be made visible

fragments of a sheet of time
in square metre grids
aligned to the north direction
as it was 3540 years ago
are exposed in two situations
one inside the old house
now used as a gallery
the other cuts through the front lawn
outside the building